
Purpose and Objective

One of the purposes of the Electronic Reflective Portfolio is to organize and manage all my work done in my practice teaching. All the documentation of my work will be uploaded into the Electronic Reflective Portfolio. However, most of the documents will be reflections of the different activities I will carry out throughout my practice teaching experience. Another purpose of the Electronic Reflective Portfolio, is to present all the work done in the practice teaching centers by all the practice teachers to their peers, evaluators, fellow teachers, and agencies that are looking to hire new teachers. By sharing these different experiences through the Electronic Reflective Portfolio, the practice teachers, professors and, active teachers can improve their professional performance. Therefore, creating a better learning environment and experience for the students in Puerto Rico and molding greater human beings for society.

The objective of the Electronic Reflective Portfolio is to help every practice teacher document, observe and measure his/her growth and development as a teacher. It will hold every experience the practice teacher goes through and the feeling and thoughts of that practice teacher with each reflection. The Electronic Reflective Portfolio allows the practice teacher supervisor to follow and evaluate the development of the practice teacher and determine if that practice teacher has the capabilities of becoming an outstanding teacher. Another objective of the Electronic Reflective Portfolio, is that it will be used to present future teacher candidates the work done by teacher candidates and to share the experiences of the teacher candidates with their peers. Molding each teacher candidate into the teacher that this world needs with the ability to create a sense of leadership within the students, respect and embrace the diversity in the students, develop the creativity in students and transform each student into a better human being for our society.

Choosing Teaching as My Profession
In Puerto Rico, to choose teaching as a profession it is really hard decision to make. Due to the low income salaries and hard work that teaching takes, and for some reason a third of the population seems to find the teaching profession as unprestigious. However, I still decided that I want to become a teacher because I need to be an agent of change in the youth of Puerto Rico. There are many students that are not well cared for and need the specific attention of an adult. Without this special care, that a teacher can provide, the students end up having a hard time in their adult life. If it were possible for me, I would change  the lives of every student for the better. I dream of the day when every kid enjoys going to school and desires to learn every single moment of his/her life. I dream that every student desires with much enthusiasm to find out what lesson has the teacher planned out for them.
I want to reach my students in some way that they feel like this toward education, sadly that is not the case with most students in the system. I have seen how the influence of an older person taking care of a younger one does improve the life of both persons. I have younger brothers and sisters, and I have motivated them and served as an example to do many things with their short lives for the better. I have guided them in my own way as the years have passed and I am satisfied to say that I am proud of what they have accomplished and what I have served and done for them. This I want to do with my practice and future students. I have the desire and devotion to change this world on student at a time if I have to.
Sometimes, I wonder if teaching is really what I want to do and sometimes I feel that it may be too much work for the little pay teachers receive compared to the hard work they have to do. My decision as to become a teacher is challenged, but I know that the feeling of accomplishment that you have changed a life for the better of a person, a family, a community and society helps me decide that I do want to be a teacher. However, I would definitely enjoy a better pay with a job I like very much. I want students to enjoy learning and with learning become free people that cannot be oppressed by the lack of knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we are agents of change and I'm glad you didn't change your mind because of the income.
